Print Care

Prints are produced with high quality archival inks and papers. When handling your prints, make sure that hands and surfaces are clean to be sure that you don't mark the print. 

Prints are always best displayed in frames. Please note that it is best to hang your print away from direct sunlight. Prolonged sunlight will discolour and prematurely age your print.


UK Deliveries

Please allow at least 5 working days for delivery.

International Deliveries

Please allow 10-14 days for delivery.


Your privacy matters to us. Our shop has SSL, which adds a layer of security when you enter your information at checkout and we use PayPal and Stripe for our online transactions to provide you with further security.

We will not pass your contact details onto any other company and will only use it in relation to any queries about your purchase. Your information will not be used for marketing purposes without your permission. 



If you wish to cancel your order, please contact us via [email protected] with the details of your order before dispatch for a full refund.


Returns must be made within 7 days of receipt for a full refund of the print cost. Please email us immediately at [email protected] for full details of what to do if you wish to make a return. 


Refunds will be made within 14 days of receiving the returned goods. Goods must be returned in original packing, with any certificates of authenticity and be in a saleable condition.